Exciting news: We are transitioning CAARE into our new Jumpstart initiative, as we start to see a light at the end of this pandemic tunnel! Please click here to see the Jumpstart application, with a deadline of May 7. Weekly CAARE grants will be available through May 25. Applicants may apply for $100 per week of emergency funding during this time.
We asked a small group of Chatham artists to review our application before we published it. We’re grateful for their quick and thorough review, and the FAQ below represent answers to the questions they raised. If you have additional questions, please reach out to us at hello@chathamartscouncil.org.
- How do you define arts-worker, and why are you including arts-workers? For the purpose of CAARE, arts-workers are defined as people who earn some part of their income in the arts by making arts projects possible, including exhibition managers, artist managers, stage managers, arts nonprofit administrators, sound technicians, etc. When artists’ projects are canceled, so are arts-workers’ projects, and they also may experience financial hardship.
- Who will make decisions about funding? A small CAARE committee of two artists, two CAC board members, and two CAC staff members will determine eligibility for funding and allocation of dollars based on number of applicants, need, and available funding. No judgments of quality of art or arts-work will be part of these decisions.
- Will my name and the information in my application be kept confidential? We will only share your name and your story if you check the box on the application allowing us to do so. As artists know, storytelling is important to public understanding–but only with permission. If you do not check the box allowing us to share your name or your story, your submission will be kept confidential among a small CAARE committee of two artists, two CAC board members, and two CAC staff members.
- If I accept funds via PayPal, will I need to cover a PayPal fee? We do not intend for artists/arts-workers to cover any PayPal fees.
- Will I have to pay taxes on funds I am granted? Per legal requirements, CAC will issue 1099s to any individuals who receive funds totaling $600 or more in this calendar year.
- Will you hold applications that aren’t funded in one week over until the next week? No. Please re-apply each week that you want your application to be considered.
- My project pipeline has been cut off and I no longer have contracted gigs that have been canceled; projects that were in development earlier this year are at a standstill. Does CAARE address these needs? Yes. We have shifted our application to address the needs caused by this freeze in bookings and project development.