Who says a fundraiser has to be boring? Definitely not us! Each fall, we host a fundraising event to benefit the Chatham Arts Council’s Artists-in-Schools initiative. In years past, the event has featured the one and only – Tommy Edwards and The Bluegrass Experience, Chatham Rabbits, Diali Cissokho with John Westmoreland, and more. This event is the real deal – an opportunity to hear world-renowned bands, who happen to be local to Chatham County, and to know you’re giving to a good cause by helping us raise funds for our Artists-in-Schools initiative.
Let’s pause. Perhaps you haven’t heard of Artists-in-Schools. Let us fill you in. Artists-in-Schools is a program designed to bring professional artists into Chatham County schools to support math, science, language, and history curricula. Through interactive, engaging workshops taught by theatre actors, performance artists, dancers, mural painters, African drummers, and strings musicians, students have unique opportunities for a deeper engagement with learning objectives. In the 2019-2020 school year, Chatham Arts Council will be bringing this program to 13 schools in Chatham County, impacting more than 3,500 children. What a feat! Learn more here.
We have hosted the fall fundraiser in several venues, including the Chatham Beverage District, the Chatham County Agriculture & Conference Center, and The Barn at Fearrington Village in Pittsboro.
We’re grateful to Opus Financial Advisors, who has sponsored our fall fundraiser for the past four years! Without local patrons and our community, this event would not be possible. So, if you love music or believe in arts in education, this is the event for you. We hope to see you next fall.