The Carolina blue sky was dotted with white as the clouds swirled and shifted, shaped and morphed. It was a perfect day to take in the natural beauty of Chatham County. There was time to explore and opportunities not to be missed so we headed out to indulge our adventurous natures.
“Oh! Turn there, turn there,” I called out to my husband as we approached a country road.
What might we discover? To our surprise we found a populated enclave that we didn’t know existed. I began to wonder how many areas in Chatham County were unknown to us though we had lived here for over 20 years. I began to pay closer attention as we took in the natural beauty accented by ancient tobacco sheds, old wooden homes, and decaying barns. There were open fields of grazing cows, and rolling hills covered with verdant green grasses.
My eyes grew wide as my inner artist took in Chatham’s beauty. I wanted to paint it, write about it, photograph it, dance on it, and stand with outstretched arms singing its praises.
I began to think about everyone’s inner artist. Yes we all have it. We seek beauty, expression, and ways to refocus that bring out our creative sides.
Making art is a means of expressing the human condition, whether through performing art, visual art, or literary art. In this beautiful part of North Carolina there is so much surrounding us that stimulates creativity. Inspiration is everywhere…in nature, the architecture, sculptures, landscaping, murals, paintings, photos, jewelry, stories, performances, and even in the creative presentation of foods.
In the spring and summer, as the sun blazes and temperatures rise, there is respite in cool flowing waters and shaded paths along Chatham’s rivers, lakes, and streams. Why not take a camera (waterproof preferred) and indulge your artistic sensibilities with a kayak paddle trip or a lazy float on a tube? Look for the reflection of the sun’s rays bouncing off droplets of water. Capture splashes, photograph a bird in flight, find an interesting rock formation or focus on a tree limb. Nature is abundant with subject matter for photographers of all skill levels.
Take a moment to listen to nature’s music. The cacophony is abundant at the water’s edge in the songs of frogs, cicadas, birds, chirping squirrels, and leaves that rustle in gentle breezes. Look for patterns, designs, striations, weathering. You can even sketch what you see on pad and paper.
Write a poem, an ode to nature. Compose a song, a dance, a play. Carve, whittle, mold, or sculpt using nature’s resources. Whatever inspires you, nature is your muse along Chatham’s three rivers, the Haw, the Rocky and the Deep. They call, welcome, and nourish. Release your inner artist.
Open your eyes to the arts in Chatham County. Imagine what others see and find small treasures. They’re in the remote and not-so-remote corners of this beautiful place. Yes, the arts are everywhere. Just look around.
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Guest blogger, Jessica Bryan, is “…dedicated to making the most of each moment, because whatever happens…right here…right now, will either make for a great memory or a terrible regret.” Jessica is an EcoBroker and accomplished writer who has published multiple books and stories. Read more at her blog
Debbie says
So beautifully written! Great job