Connie Fenner is a local business owner, community connector, and proud breast cancer survivor. She’s committed to supporting orgs that bring people together to create healthier communities, including powering our… Read More →
Go See This: Holiday Cookies and Cards at Wren Memorial Library
“We thought, let’s have kids make a card, and we can hand deliver it to those people who could use an extra dose of joy.”
Go See This: Hewitt Pottery Holiday Kiln Opening
“There’s a history behind having these kiln openings in North Carolina that goes back to the Moravians,” says Mark Hewitt. “There are even records of colonial militia men being called in to regulate the unruly pottery buying crowds back in the 1780s.”
11 Bright and Shining Bits for You
As if a photo of a pig in a Santa suit isn’t enough! (Photo credit: bobistraveling.) To add a little twinkle to the end of December, we bring you these… Read More →